Federated Learning Algorithms

The implementation of federated learning algorithms in Feder consists of two components: the training part on the client side and the aggregation part on the server side. The training functions are coded in the net_lib.py file at client/src directory, while the aggregation functions are located in various files within the algorithms folder at server/src directory.

The algorithms currently implemented in FedERA are:

  • FedAvg

  • FedDyn

  • FedAdam

  • FedAdagrad

  • Scaffold

  • FedAvgM

  • Mime

  • Mimelite

  • FedYogi

Adding a new algorithm to FedERA

To add a new algorithm to FedERA, you need to implement the training function on the client side and the aggregation function on the server side. The training function should be implemented in the net_lib.py file at client/src directory. The aggregation function should be implemented in a new file in the algorithms folder at server/src directory.

Implementing the training function

The training function should be implemented in the net_lib file, in a fashion similar to the following example of the mimelite algorithm:

def train_mimelite(net, state, trainloader, epochs, deadline=None):
#In the case of MimeLite, control_variate is nothing but a state like in case of momentum method
x = deepcopy(net)

criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
lr = 0.001
momentum = 0.9

for _ in tqdm(range(epochs)):
    for images, labels in trainloader:
        images, labels = images.to(DEVICE), labels.to(DEVICE)
        loss = criterion(net(images), labels)

        #Compute (full-batch) gradient of loss with respect to net's parameters
        grads = torch.autograd.grad(loss,net.parameters())
        #Update net's parameters using gradients
        with torch.no_grad():
            for param,grad,s in zip(net.parameters(), grads, state):
                param.data = param.data - lr * ((1-momentum) * grad.data + momentum * s.data)

    if deadline:
        current_time = time.time()
        if current_time >= deadline:
            print("deadline occurred.")

#Compute gradient wrt the received model (x) using the wholde dataset
data = DataLoader(trainloader.dataset, batch_size = len(trainloader) * trainloader.batch_size, shuffle = True)
for images, labels in data:
    images, labels = images.to(DEVICE), labels.to(DEVICE)
    output = x(images)
    loss = criterion(output, labels) #Calculate the loss with respect to y's output and labels
    gradient_x = torch.autograd.grad(loss,x.parameters())

return net, gradient_x

After making the changes in the net_lib.py file, the client_lib.py file also needs to be updated so as to incorporate the newly defined algorithm. The client_lib.py file is located at client/src directory. The following code snippet shows the train function that needs to be updated in the client_lib.py file:

def train(train_order_message):
    data_bytes = train_order_message.modelParameters
    data = torch.load( BytesIO(data_bytes), map_location="cpu" )
    model_parameters, control_variate, control_variate2 = data['model_parameters'], data['control_variate'], data['control_variate2']

    config_dict_bytes = train_order_message.configDict
    config_dict = json.loads( config_dict_bytes.decode("utf-8") )
    carbon_tracker = config_dict["carbon_tracker"]

    model = get_net(config= config_dict)
    model = model.to(device)
    epochs = config_dict["epochs"]
    if config_dict["timeout"]:
        deadline = time.time() + config_dict["timeout"]
        deadline = None

    #Run code carbon if the carbon-tracker flag is True
    if (carbon_tracker==1):
        tracker = OfflineEmissionsTracker(country_iso_code="IND", output_dir = save_dir_path)

    trainloader, testloader, _ = load_data(config_dict)
    print("training started")
    if (config_dict['algorithm'] == 'mimelite'):
        model, control_variate = train_mimelite(model, control_variate, trainloader, epochs, deadline)
    elif (config_dict['algorithm'] == 'scaffold'):
        model, control_variate = train_scaffold(model, control_variate, trainloader, epochs, deadline)
    elif (config_dict['algorithm'] == 'mime'):
        model, control_variate = train_mime(model, control_variate, control_variate2, trainloader, epochs, deadline)
    elif (config_dict['algorithm'] == 'fedavg'):
        model = train_fedavg(model, trainloader, epochs, deadline)
    elif (config_dict['algorithm'] == 'feddyn'):
        model = train_feddyn(model, trainloader, epochs, deadline)
        model = train_model(model, trainloader, epochs, deadline)
    print("training finished")

    if (carbon_tracker==1):
        emissions: float = tracker.stop()
        print(f"Emissions: {emissions} kg")

    myJSON = json.dumps(config_dict)
    json_path = save_dir_path + "/config.json"
    with open(json_path, "w") as jsonfile:
    json_path = "config.json"
    with open(json_path, "w") as jsonfile:

    trained_model_parameters = model.state_dict()
    #Create a dictionary where model_parameters and control_variate are stored which needs to be sent to the server
    data_to_send = {}
    data_to_send['model_parameters'] = trained_model_parameters
    data_to_send['control_variate'] = control_variate #If there is no control_variate, this will become None
    buffer = BytesIO()
    torch.save(data_to_send, buffer)
    data_to_send_bytes = buffer.read()

    print("train eval")
    train_loss, train_accuracy = test_model(model, testloader)
    response_dict = {"train_loss": train_loss, "train_accuracy": train_accuracy}
    response_dict_bytes = json.dumps(response_dict).encode("utf-8")

    train_response_message = TrainResponse(
        modelParameters = data_to_send_bytes,
        responseDict = response_dict_bytes)

return train_response_message

Implementing the aggregation function

The aggregation function should be implemented within a class in a new file in the algorithms folder at server/src directory. The following code snippet shows the aggregation function for the mimelite algorithm as deffined in the mimelite.py file:

class mimelite():

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.algorithm = "MimeLite"
        self.lr = 1.0
        self.momentum = 0.9

    def aggregate(self,server_model_state_dict, optimizer_state, state_dicts, gradients_x):

        keys = server_model_state_dict.keys() #List of keys in a state_dict

        avg_y = OrderedDict() #This will be our new server_model_state_dict
        for key in keys:
            current_key_tensors = [state_dict[key] for state_dict in state_dicts]
            current_key_sum = functools.reduce( lambda accumulator, tensor: accumulator + tensor, current_key_tensors )
            current_key_average = current_key_sum / len(state_dicts)
            avg_y[key] = current_key_average

        #Average all the gradient_x in gradients_x
        avg_grads = []
        for i in range(len(gradients_x[0])):
            #Average all the i'th element of gradient_x present in the gradients_x
            current_tensors = [gradient_x[i] for gradient_x in gradients_x]
            current_sum = functools.reduce(lambda accumulator, tensor: accumulator + tensor, current_tensors)
            current_average = current_sum / len(gradients_x)

        for state, grad in zip(optimizer_state, avg_grads):
            state.data = self.momentum * state.data + (1 - self.momentum) * grad.data

        return avg_y, optimizer_state