
Install the package

Follow this procedure to prepare the environment and install FedERA:

  1. Install a Python 3.8 (>=3.6, <=3.9) virtual environment using venv.

See the Venv installation guide for details.

  1. Create a new environment for the project.
    1. Using Virtual Environment
      $ python3 -m venv env
    2. Using conda
      $ conda create -n env python=3.9
  2. Activate the virtual environment.

    1. Virtual Environment
      $ source env/bin/activate
    2. Conda Environment
      $ conda activate env
  3. Install the FedERA package.

    1. Install the stable version with pip:

      $ pip install feder==$version$
    2. Install the latest version from GitHub:

      1. Clone the FedERA repository:

        $ git clone
        $ cd FedERA
      2. Install dependencies:

        $ pip install -r requirements.txt

FedERA with Docker

Follow this procedure to build a Docker image of FedERA:


The purpose of the Docker edition of FedERA is to provide an isolated environment complete with the prerequisites to run. Once the execution is finished, the container can be eliminated, and the computation results will be accessible in a directory on the local host.

  1. Install Docker on all nodes in the federation.

See the Docker installation guide for details.

  1. Check that Docker is running properly with the Hello World command:

    $ docker run hello-world
    Hello from Docker!
    This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
  2. Build the Docker image of FedERA:

    $ docker build -t federa .
  3. Run the Docker image of FedERA:

    $ docker run federa